Smart and secure identification
The POSTIDENT procedure enables smart and secure customer identification by staff at Deutsche Post retail outlets. It is an important factor of security rather than an inconvenient legal obligation.
Why? That nobody could come up with the idea of using your name and/ or identity and take advantage of services or purchase products via online shops.
Moreover the German money laundering law requires a personal identification at branches of account holding banks or the POSTIDENT procedure for direct banks and other financial institutions.
You have already taken your first step towards opening an individual LYNX-account. Now just a few more steps are needed to work with LYNX.
To complete your account opening process we just need a customer identification due to the POSTIDENT-Procedure.
As soon as we have received your entire documents, we will open your account, immediately.
Als nächstes: POSTIDENT durchführen
To open a depot, we still need identification using the PostIdent procedure. You can easily do this online. Note: A webcam or smartphone is required for the online POSTIDENT. Also have a valid ID document ready.

After clicking on the item „Jetzt identifizieren mit POSTIDENT“ you will be redirected to the homepage of Deutsche Post. There you’ll find all necessary information needed to identify due to your preferred identification procedure. After finishing the process successfully, you will be redirected to this website, automatically.
POSTIDENT durch Filiale
Alternativ können Sie sich auch in Ihrer nächsten Postfiliale persönlich identifizieren.